Join the Bayonne Nature Club by coming to a bird walk or shoreline clean-up. No dues, just come when you can. We look forward to seeing you! Find us on FaceBook at Bayonne Nature Club. That's where we share photos and talk about birds and nature.
The first Bald Eagle seen in Hudson County, NJ in over 50 years. Eagle populations are increasing in NJ as the rivers become cleaner. This is why we fight for cleaner rivers. Video taken on Feb. 25, 2015 by Mike Ruscigno.
A Snowy Owl visits the roof top of a house in Bayonne NJ in 2017. We named her Eve because she came to roost in our town on Christmas Eve. See the video by Mike Ruscigno left. The Snowy Owl also visited Bayonne in 2021 in S. Gregg Hudson County Park. (Photo of owl on light fixture.)
August 17, 2018, Mike saw an adult Clapper Rail and chick playing in the pond below the big green bridge on Lefante Walk, South Cove Commons Mall, Bayonne Golf Course Walkway. Proof once again that clapper rails are nesting in the wildlife area along the walkway.
September 25, 2019: We were surprised to see American Avocets in Bayonne Inlet, off Lefante Way, South Cove Commons Mall, Rt 440. In all we saw 6 Avocets. They are not in breeding plumage since this is September.
South Cove Commons - Lefante Walkway: This walkway takes you out toward Robbins Reef. In summer during low tide you will see sandpipers and plovers. Golden Plovers were seen here in 2008. Osprey frequently fly overhead in September. It also has Clapper Rails.
Rutkowski Park - Great for viewing Egrets and Herons, Belted Kingfishers, Red-winged Blackbirds and Marsh Wrens.
Stephen Gregg Hudson County Park - Wood Warblers can be found in the trees on the bank between the ball fields and the upper forest area, especially near the pond. The upper forest has Red-bellied Woodpeckers all year round and Baltimore Orioles in summer.
If you already belong to Facebook, click the button above to share your nature photos with us. We have a good time chatting and learning together. We try to make every visit a positive experience.
Interested in
Join us in planting thepollinator
garden at Rutkowski Park.
Click on "Contact Us,"
and email us to get on our Garden Group email list for upcoming activities.
WEDNESDAY Bird and Nature Walks from 10:00 am to 12:00 am. Meet at the gate of Rutkowski Park down 48th St. near the restrooms of S. Gregg Hudson County Park. RAIN CANCELS THIS EVENT.
SUNDAYBird and Nature Walks from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at Lefante Walk. Meet at the first green bridge behind Otaiko Restaurant in South Cove Commons Mall. Bring your binoculars, we’ll bring the scope. RAIN CANCELS THIS EVENT.
ALERT: NO Bird / Nature Walk on Sunday, March 23! We will be marching in Bayonne's St Pat's Parade.
SHORELINE CLEAN UP: Saturday, March 22, start at 9:00 am to 11:00 am, meet at pull-over near LA Fitness, 40 Goldsborough Drive, Bayonne NJ. Look for the green banner. Dress for dirty work, wear boots. Tools, garbage bags, gloves, snacks and water will be provided. Rain or snow cancels this event.
Schedule of Events
for the Bayonne Nature Club.
Tell your friends! Join the Bayonne Nature Club by coming to a nature walk, shoreline clean-up or help with habitat restoration at the butterfly garden.
We charge no dues. Please consider making a donation. We hope to see you soon!
FACEBOOK: Display your nature photos from Bayonne’s backyards and parks at: